Other factions
The Dutchess of Loca.
Protruding out into the great oceans with the Sea of Amas on one side and the Elyssian Ocean on the other the Loca peninsula is an isolated place living mostly of its trade with the Ebrian Union.
No one knows how the region got its weird name, but it was originally named the Duchy of Loca, named after one Braitu Kor Loca, a wealthy merchant instrumental in forming the first version of an alliance of sorts. The initial alliance was signed and sworn to by all factions of power at the time, although there was no central administration appointed and no governor or ruler to oversee the agreement. Once Braitu died the alliance fell apart and everyone went back to doing their business. There are no local historians are even volumes to tell us the history of this land and most of what we know comes from the The Great Library of Medera and thus from annalists of the empire. It is quite possible if not likely that the name was either misrecorded or misunderstood by the annalists, but nevertheless even the locals have adapted to their strange name.

More about The Dutchess of Loca.
Social: They are not hostile people but they suffer from the isolation on the Peninsula. With little influx of foreign blood the region suffers somewhat from problems of inbreeding, and the term "Madder than a Loca" is quite befitting if not entirely correct. They tend to huddle up in cities and villages and seek the comfort of family and home more than anything, and they do not wander the land or explore in any way. The locals will often picture their own lives in suffering and destitution, and their long descriptions of the torment they undergo living in this place can only be described as bitching, enough to scare anyone away. It is no wonder that there are no people moving to this region, and the bloodlines of Loca become increasingly inbred and degenerate.
Geography: Most of the mainland of the peninsula is covered by old withered forest. Deep within those forests stand huge Firepines, the strongest wood material in all of Ardensis, hard to get to and hard to lumber but high in demand. Nearer to the coastlines the land gives away to rolling plains with good farmland and to salty floodplains nearer the coast. Due to the extreme amounts of rains the area gets there are a large number of lakes that cut through the land and empties out into the Sea of Amas and the Elyssian Ocean. The most fertile ground on the peninsula is called Rinta range, a huge farmland area where most of the crops for the locals is grown. From the North of Rinta range there are also seaborne trade routes into the Ebrian Union, most to Elcon Claims, but some goods are ferried up the Elcon River to the military garrisons in the Kadus backlands. A number of smaller islands surround the peninsula, most uninhabitable.
Military: The Locan's have no military and no tradition for combat or warfare whatsoever. There has never been any need, the peninsula might have strategic importance as backdoor to the Ebrian Union, but the land isn't suitable for armies or warmachines, so Elexia has never tried or even considered that invasion point, besides if the Empire wanted to invade the Ebrian Union by sea there are way better landing points along Falgarth, Seidan and Elcon Claims. There is no threat from the south either, the Rhay'adyans have way better land at home and they are not coastal dwellers.
Trade: They have trade routes into the Ebrian Union most of it going to Elcon Claims but they occasionally sail farm products up the Elcon River all the way into Kadus. They trade local farm products and sell their famous Firepine wood logs, perfect for warmachines and a commodity in high demand in the Ebrian Union. They have a minor but exclusive production of leather armors also being sold into Ebri and Kadus. In turn the ships bring back exotic spices, wine, metals and precious metal of which there is none is Loca.
Religion: Due south from the peninsula there is a sacred island, here we find the Sanctuary of Imras'tir an old religious cult that was founded when the Aurean Empire was at its greatest. The cultists that live here are secretive, slightly hostile and only tolerate visitors to their island during religious ceremonies and holidays.

Magic: There isn't anything magical living on the peninsula itself but the many smaller islands surrounding the peninsula are rumored to harbor real terrors. Many ships have capsized and sunk in these waters, but most likely they simply didn't know how to navigate the deadly waters of Vilepeaks Reef or the infamous reef called Thousand Spires. The locals do their best to add drama to the stories, especially when strangers are around.
Silkoth Trade Emporium.
Independent trading alliance formed by merchants and slavers. Calling this cooperation an alliance is a far stretch, it really is a bunch of pirates, slavers and traders but somehow they have found a formula for working together without slitting each other's throat. It is by all means an unlikely alliance, but the peninsula's remoteness and isolation with only Rhay'ady to the east, has perhaps taught them the strength in being together. They share quite a bit of similarities with their partners up south in the Albrek peninsula, but they are more secretive and there is very little written down about this alliance. Most of them are independent but there must be some coordination and control to orchestrate the very organised and timely shipments south to Albrek. There are no families or bloodlines that we know that exert this kind of control, perhaps it is simply the roughness of their barren peninsula and rough lives that keeps them together.
Their lives evolve around slavery and they travel far into Rhay'ady to either capture forest people on their own or small groups or trade with larger groups for prisoners. They usually capture and enslave anyone that visits the peninsula unknowing of what the place really is. They take what they can at sea as well, plundering anything that travels their path and enslaving crews. The slaves are shipped North, and sold to the Albrek Trade Alliance that manages trade into the Elexian empire.

The Trade Emporium is old, way older than the Albrek alliance. There is no formal agreement or paper detailing the cooperation between merchants but it is believed the first verbal agreements was made some 300 years ago, around 1720BGS, but there are no history entries or books detailing the how and when of the Emporium. The very little that can be found, comes from the so called history books written in the Albrek Alliance, but these historical recollections are widely filled with invented stories, propaganda for merchants or families, and quite frankly the rest are blatant lies. One really should not rely on stories from Albrek, but we really don't have any other sources.
More about the Silkoth Trade Emporium.
Social: They are not quite as sociable as other traders and merchants in Ardensis. Living secluded and far to the south they don't get many visitors and those that do happen by are more often than not captured and sold as slaves. Most of the population are seafarers in some way or involved with trade and slavery. Their bonds are family based but once they board any ship their loyalty and bond is with that ship and its captain. At the core of their existence is slavery and they systematically breed, or rape if you like, the female slaves to renew their bloodlines. They are fairlay savage in most aspects of their lives and strangers coming to the Emporium will most likely find themselves enslaved because they broke some social rule the Silkoths have invented, usually for exactly that purpose.
Geography: The emporium is located far to the west on the peninsula, in an area dominated by plains and floodplains. Although entirely flat the land is not suited for farming or any production. To the east lies what is known as Breagan Territory, a vast plain surrounded by forest, the area is largely uninhabited due to the harsh cold winds dominating it. The actual territory where the Silkoths have their villages and towns is quite small all out on the northwest of the peninsula, not really anything noteworthy here except the winter storms that blow from the south making the entire region deadly in winter. When winter comes and everyone hunkers down and the seas to the south freeze and the ships are at port the trade routes going North remain open and active, ensuring the Emporium cash flow.
Military: There are a number of smaller mercenary groups that sail with the Emporiums ships and escort slave capturers into Rhay'ady, but there is no land based or sea based defense of the Emporium. Situated on an easily defendable peninsula with only the Rhay'adians as neighbours, there are no real threats, and no army is required.
Trade: Slaves are their main trade and they actively engage in slavery, sending expeditions into Rhay'ady to capture the locals or anyone uncapable of defending themselves. They also sell goods from Rhay'ady but have no local production themselves. Strangers finding themselves this far south will often be captured and sold on as slaves. The trade ships returning from the Albrek Alliance in turn bring food, wine, exotic spices, precious metals and weapons back to the Silkoth's. They are quite reliant on Albrek to cover their needs and they are aware and respectful towards Albrek, the only Alliance they recognize. But should the need arise they can live from trade with Rhay'ady alone, it would not be the same life in luxury but if the land has taught them anything it is that contingencies were essential.
Religion: Unknown.
Magic: Unknown, there aren't that many books about the Emporium or even maps detailing the place. The land to the south is barren, unexplored and bitterly cold, very few people live here making it the perfect place for beasts and creatures of magic and horror to retreat, but these are speculations not documented knowledge. The Silkoths do not go exploring, they stay in the main towns or on their ships and if something really needs looking into they will send mercenaries.
Sovereign of R'hy
Deep within the Elexian Empire lies the sovereign territory of R'hy, pronounced "warhi" by the locals and their neighbours in the Kel'sythian jungle. The reason the territory has not been conquered and incorporated into the empire is its remote location and lack of resources, at the same time the territory recognizes the emperor and pays tribute as though they were a part of the Empire. King Heibrat the 3rd characterised the area as insignificant, and a strategic point of no significance and not worth taking. What Heibrat didn't say was that when he tried invading the area he got a solid beating and had to limp back through the jungle with a severed host. It is hard to see what makes the locals defend this land so fiercely, and they apparently have no historians willing to tell us, most of the information is from the empire's annals.

More about the Sovereign of R'hy
Social: As a stranger, be wary how you approach the locals, keep a low profile and do not assume that you know the rules. The R'hy people have strict social conventions founded in religious beliefs that do tolerate any form of heretic behaviour. The locals live tight together in families that are loyal to a certain temple or group of believers. But the many temples and groups all share the same belief so there is no competition and no religious rivalry. Most likely the strict and rigid structures of belief is what keeps them in line and able to act united. Faith permeates their lives and they seek advice in the temple for even the smallest of matters and follow the temple guidance slavishly.
Geography: R'hy lies in the shade of the great mountain range called Undabhur Spires. Everywhere you go in R'hy there are either hills, mountains or both, for non-residents this is truly an uninviting and perilous area. There are very few roads and once you get into the mountains only knowledge of the landscape can guide you to safety. The area experiences heavy rains as weather systems collide with the Undabhur Spires but is otherwise a fairly protected zone with only two seasons.
Military: We have no knowledge of armies, forts, garrisons, outposts or military training facilities. Invaders and spies penetrating the territory have never found anything of the sort. But they are formidable fighters when it comes to guerilla warfare. Anyone invading them will be walking uphill the entire way with archers and ambushes picking them off one by one, should they finally succeed there is no telling what they will find deep inside the mountains where the R'hy main strongholds are believed to be located.
Trade: They have fairly regular trade with the jungle tribes in Kel'sythia but it doesn't appear to be organised. Independant traders facilitate the trade so the locals don't have to leave home. They also facilitate trade with the Elexian empire and Kadus in the Ebrian Union.
Religion: Strong religious beliefs and rituals of unknown origin dominate their lives. They are also extremely secretive about their religion so there's very little to say, no one has ever gotten inside and no one has escaped being willing to tell.
Magic: Quite possibly, no one knows what goes on past the hills, inside the mountains. King Heibrat the 3rd recordings from his own invasion speaks at length about were-creatures and shadow-beasts that aided the R'hy people and tore into his host, but this is a single unconfirmed story from annalists who were considered colourful, and perhaps Heibrat needed a better explanation for his defeat.
Alasiya Independants

Officially a part of Llaene Kingdoms and under its protection the Alasiya Independants is an alliance between 9 smaller regions. The Independents was initially formed as a defence alliance to protect the people of the region from ravagers and plunderers from Hinterlands, Braum and Sabran Highlands. For centuries they had been bullied by their neighbours, there was always one of them terrorising their homes at any one time. This finally led to an alliance between the 9 smaller regions and the named it after a woman Alasiya Sellis, instrumental in its foundation. She brought the regions together, and is by annalists considered responsible for its creation. The real truth is that a lot of powers where at play and people throughout the region were ripe for an alliance, most likely Alysiya earned her fame by being right there at the right time and really not that instrumental but annalist often have problems with joint efforts and nuances so she was contributed the entire honour of being the founder of the Independants.

More about Alasiya Independants
Social: Each of the 9 regions have their own social peculiarities but the folks are overall friendly towards visitors both from the land and the sea. Each region also specialises differently, some are maritime while others are farmers or involved with the military. The Independants do not support Llaene with conscripts, but they build good ships and most of the fleet that pokes Eastwatch now and again is Alasiyan made.
Geography: Most of the region is dominated by its proximity to the vast Sea of Mayrose. From the flat seashores the land gradually turns into plains, not that big and not that fertile, yet heavily farmed. The land gradually rises from the plains into the hills of Hinterlands and Braum before it gives away to the mountains and the Sabran Highlands. In the north of the Independants a huge fjord called Sono Edin cuts through the land and provides excellent shelter for shipports.
Military: The regions all deliver conscripts to the local defences and there are major garrisons in the backland as protection from Braum, Hinterlands and the Sabran Highlands. There are 2 forts and several outposts on the coast facing the Sea of Mayrose. In the south their main trading port of Rivet is heavily protected by outposts. They have an obligation to protect the region but also to warn Llaene of anyone invading from the southeast or from the ocean.
Trade: The city of Rivet is most likely one of the busiest ports in Llaene, taking goods to Tal'hep in Raifa Territory and even crossing the Sea of Mayrose on to Surunghat and Lukka Kadesh.
Religion: Not overly religious but it varies from region to region. The three regions above Sono Edin are known to be much more religious than the other subregions and there are many faiths and deities but all maritime beliefs centred around the enormous fjord of Sono Edin.
Magic: Nothing is known about monsters in this land and there are precious few places to hide. What dwells in the Sea of Mayrose is quite a different story.